Sales'Up Workshop for Creatio Users – Learning By Sharing

Sales'Up Workshop for Creatio Users – Learning By Sharing

Today our team is hosting an incredible workshop dedicated to a couple of our Marketplace solutions! 

We support the idea that the one should never stop learning new things. That is why regularly organize such events for the groups of our dedicated users as well newcomers in the world of Creatio!

In the picture – Gantt chart of the Data Views for Creatio app.

In the picture – Gantt chart of the Data Views for Creatio app.

Thanks to a professional organisation of the workshop, we managed to cover our solutions – SalesUp Data Management for CreatioSalesUp Data views for Creatio and SalesUp Multichannel Bulk Messaging for Creatio.
The best thing about this particular workshop was that the participants were exceptionally active by bringing the relevant and interesting questions live and in the chat!

Sadly, one hour wasn't enough to tell everything about our add-ons but the participant were satisfied and provided Sales'Up team with a positive feedback. 

By the way, if you team is eager to learn more about Creatio and SalesUp tools, we will be happy to organise such workshop for you!